Umango Releases Version 5.5

May 2018. Umango Releases Version 5.5

A whole new conversation around processing images and scanned documents.

The release of Umango Extract 5.5 provides a whole new conversation around image capture. Umango 5.5 has created a solution to help meet the needs of companies who are looking to process documents and images away from the typical office setting and bring scanning to those individuals who work in off-site locations. This shifts the discussion away from the traditional restrictions of scanning at your MFD or dedicated scanner and adds rich new features to the way companies can process, capture and file images and documents from any location.

Imagine a scenario where a client must go off-site to document an incident, track the progress of a project or simply take photos of relevant events happening outside of headquarters. What typically happens in these cases is those images will reside on the phone, they may be sent to a cloud system such as drop box or sent as a picture message to a client, and from there they will remain unfiled with a long absurd name that makes it unrecognizable. When a scenario comes up and someone in the office needs to access those photos, usually they will spend great lengths of time trying look-up and find previous photos that may be saved on their phone or in their drop box. This overhead of an unstructured, unmanaged and sporadic filing of documents has been solved by Umango and its ability to in real-time, quickly process, label, sort and route those images back to headquarters where they could be accessed by the team there.

Umango has not only brought a new discussion around image capture but has shined a new light on how companies are able to process documents. With the ability to both capture and process previously scanned documents from within a web browser, companies have the flexibility of processing documents and images at virtually any device, computer, tablet or smartphone in the office.

Most office workers are familiar with the process of walking up to the MFP or scanner, scanning a single document, dropping it into their mailbox, copying it and pasting it into the correct folder, and then labeling the document. This long drawn out process can be simplified by utilizing Umango's Extract features to extract, label, validate, file and even do lookups that dramatically streamlines this process. The conversation can go from all the processing being done at a single computer or at the MFP to any device at whatever location that is convenient for the user. Validating images can be done back at their computer, on a mobile tablet while roaming the office or on a typical smartphone. With a built-in zoom feature, the ability to lasso data (click and drag to extract text) and with all with the same Umango look and feel features across practically all platforms. With such a flexible and easy method of configuration Umango 5.5 can be tailored to a wide variety of industries and across the entire small and medium sized enterprise.