Changing the App Button or Server Name

The Umango server name that appears on the device's app button and app/dashboard footer is normally set during the Umango software installation. The install wizard asks for a "Friendly Server Name" but defaults to the server host name if none is provided.

If you have installed Umango and want to change the server name (and therefor the app button name) after installation, follow the process below:

  1. Unselect the device(s) as a source from all the jobs (this will uninstall the app icon when the last job that referenced the device is saved)
  2. Open regedit and browse to the key below
  3. Edit the value of "MachineName" and change it to something friendly (preferably something short)
  4. Restart the Umango Windows service for the change to take affect
  5. Reassign the device(s) as a source for their respective jobs. The first saved job will re-deploy the app icon with the correct name assigned

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