Installing Umango 23 With Non-Standard Database Settings

Umango 23 runs an SQL Server database. In a default initial installation, a new SQL Server Express 2017 instance called "SQLUMANGO" is created. In addition, a new database called "Umango" is created in the SQL Server instance and its data files are stored in the folder:


A database connection string is defined based on all these default settings and is set for trusted security (defaulting to the Umango Windows Service account user permissions). Based on this, your connection string will typically look something like this:


This connection string can be found stored as a string value called "DBConn" in the registry at:


You may wish to install Umango using an alternate SQL Server instance or on a SQL Server instance somewhere else on the network (although we would recommend that SQL Server instance is installed on the same server as Umango). If this is the case, you need to plan for this prior to installing Umango. The procedure to follow is:

  1. Prepare the SQL Server instance
  2. Run the Umango 23 database creation script (available from Umango support)
  3. Create a suitable connection string and save it into a string value called "DBConn" in the registry location referenced above
  4. Set the necessary database read/write permissions to enable access for the user referenced in your connection string. If you are using trusted security then make certain that the Umango Service Logon account is provided the necessary database access privileges
  5. Run the Umango 23 installer

Whether installing a fresh Umango 23 installation or upgrading from Umango 21, this procedure is the same. Any existing Umango 21 jobs and transaction logs will be upgraded as part of the installation process. However, any Umango 21 batches in the system at the time of the upgrade will not be carried over. So make sure any lingering batches are dealt with prior to starting the Umango 23 installation.

Important note: Umango 23 does not use the same database schema as Umango 21. This means you cannot just reference an old Umango 20/21 SQL Server database before installing Umango 23, nor can you use the Umango 21 database upsizer wizard.

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