Displaying the Umango Windows event logs

To view the Umango Convert or Extract Event Logs do the following:

(Please note that these instruction may differ slightly depending on what version of the Windows OS that Umango is installed on.)

  1. From the Windows Start menu, right click on "Computer" and select "Manage"
  2. You should now have the Management Console open.
  3. Open up the System Tools branch to Event Viewer/Custom Views.
  4. Right click on Custom Views and select "Create Custom View"
  5. Within the "Filter" tab, select the "By Source" option
  6. Drop down the list of sources and select "UmangoConvertSvc" or "UmangoExtractSvc" and "i2MfdConnector"
  7. Click "OK" and give the service log view a name (perhaps call it "Umango").
  8. Click "OK" to save the custom view.
  9. Click on the new custom view that has been added to the list of Custom Views and you will see the list of logs

Note: These are the event logs for the service only. When running in the foreground these logs are not updated with conversion status information.

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