Rather that typing a long sentence, enter something like 'document separator'. This will return all the articles with the words 'document' or the word 'separator' in the title or keyword list.

The smart seek and intelligent seek functions in Umango Extract are very powerful tools in locating and extracting exactly the right piece of information within a document that may not be located consistently. To extract a single line of text within a block of text, we can use a regular e


Note: Only available in Umango Convert versions after and including 5.4.3 and Umango Extract after and including 5.8.0 Meta data can be merged into various job settings to enable dynamic naming and referencing of job exports. There are various types of meta data that can be used an


Regular Expressions 'RegEx' are a fast, powerful and accurate way to be able to identify exactly the text you want to extract from an area of a document. For those with some technical know-how the steps in creating Regular Expressions can be simple, for others it may take a little more time.


Umango merge fields are text areas within Umango that have access to metadata snippets or functions to retrieve or manipulate data. Some examples of how you might use a merge field are: Use the REPLACE function to search for some text and replace it with other text.


To set a format validation regex to ensure that users enter a date in the correct format, you can use the regex below. This ensures the format MM/DD/YYYY and also allows for M/D/YYYY REGEX(((0?[1-9]|1[0-2])\/(0?[1-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[01])\/\d{4})) The regex below a


To perform regular expression queries on non latin characters you need to reference their character types. In the case of the Chinese, Japanese, Korean characters sets, use the \p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographs} selector. For example, to capture only CJK characters from a mixed language text bloc


If you need to use Smart Seek to retrieve the last value of a certain structure in a block of text, you may have found this difficult. However, you can do it with 2 excellent pieces of regex syntax. These are the look ahead and the \Z (end of text) line terminator option.<


When performing regular expressions that need to capture special characters (eg. Chinese or Arabic character sets), you have options on how you go about this.Option 1 - Refence the character groupAll CJK characters - REGEX([\p{IsCJKUnifiedIdeographs}]{1,}) All Arabic cha


Why Is My Separation Rule Not Working? There are 3 commonly misunderstood reason your document separation rule is not working. 1. The zone's Smart Seek rules are not applied when processing a separation rule. Remember to allow f
